*This update page is for notes related to the most recent postings and additions into the photo guide here at bigislandtoys.
Added a section for Magic: The Gathering. Still working on functionality of links and grahics for it.
Note: Toy Photo Guide menu populates wrong URL pathways when navigated from that section.
[Entries removed]
Fixed the code line that made the picture not appear in the first box. Ooops, that was an unseen leftover of the previous update. I have actually been updating regularly but I didn't mark a lot of the changed pages.. I will later. Thanks all.
Added the Vintage Mego Micronauts section to the photo guide. Will be adding a few more missing pictures to it shortly. Also added a separate unique page to the GI Joe section each for the Mobile Command Center and the Cobra Terror Drome since one entry with a couple of pictures does not do these gigantic awesome playsets justice. Don't forget there is already a huge section showing the USS FLAGG already there and another awesome section of the Defiant Shuttle and launch complex will be joining the guide shortly..
Have been reverting to a previous layout and removing the Wordpress features and system. It was a nice experiment for a second time but, really, everything related to it works soooooo, sloooooooowllllyyy, and requires logging in over and over again, iit is just dreadfully inconvenient and I'm just doen with it.
Meanwhile have been adding a lot of missing GI Joe and Gundam guide pictures. Noticed I have a few pictures that need fixing because some Gundams say complete but they are not. Will get at it shortly. Have the want list posted again. Will get the shop up and running asap.
Fixed up and working on a few star trek sections. Also removed link to send a mail due to a stupid amount of spam. Will have a new way to contact through blog shortly.
Split a few of the Star Trek sections into sevene new easier to view and with more "like" items in each.
Mostly finished and finally posted the gigantic Playmates Toys Star Trek Guide, roughly 2000 pictures of over 357 different figures , vehicles, playsets and toys.
Added more pictures to existing guide items. Working on Star Trek Scetion and another new feature for later too.
Made a huge functionality update. Better viewing methods including alternate view previews. A new link in each item to current eBay listings which doubles as a "current going rate" value guide.
Huge update on palindrome day. Added a "The Simpsons" Guide! Many more updates coming as time permits.
Accomplished some much overdue updates. The Power rangers for sale still contains some errors. Many great new items coming shortly (Masters of the Universe & GI Joe for the most part)
Added more pages of power rangers guides and also the humans section for Gundam.
Added a couple undred new items fo rsale. Also added some long overdue new guide page: Pee Wee's Playhouse, Gundam SD Mini, Pirates of Dark Water, Mega Force, and more coming soon !!!
Fixed the glitch that displays sold out shop items in the search results.
Added a bunch of new items for sale:
Alien Resurrection Call
Planet of the Apes Zira
Super Powers Penguin
Super Powers Brainiac
Super Powers Lex Luthor
Austin Powers Deluxe 9 inch Fat Man Talking Deluxe
Convertors Monty Carlo
Micronauts & Playsets Photon Sled
Micronauts & Playsets Ultrasonic Scooter
Micronauts & Playsets Galactic Cruiser
Rocks and Bugs and Things Trapasaurus
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure Wyld Stallyns Jam Session Two Pack
Dr. Who Accessories The Twelfth Doctors Sonic Screwdriver
GI Joe Extreme Lt. Stone
GI Joe Extreme Iron Klaw
GI Joe A Real American Hero Double Blast and Crossfire
GI Joe A Real American Hero Cobra Commander and Laser Viper
GI Joe A Real American Hero Low Light and Sure Fire
Jurassic Park Series 1 Dinosaurs Triceratops
Starcraft Protoss Zealot
Marvel Super Heroes Famous Couples Cyclops and Jean Grey
Marvel Super Heroes Famous Couples Spider-Man nad Mary Jane
X-Men Movie 1 Logan and Rogue 2-Pack OPENED
Alpha Flight Northstar and Aurora 2-Pack
X-Men Secret Weapon Force Wolverine Battle Base
X-Men Secret Weapon Force Magneto Battle Base
Avengers United They Stand Hawkeye
Avengers United They Stand Ant Man
Avengers United They Stand Kang
Avengers United They Stand Tygra
Avengers United They Stand Vision
Avengers United They Stand Falcon
Hulk Outcasts Battle Hulk
Hulk Leader
Hulk Transformations Hulk 2099
Hulk Abomination
Power Rangers Zeo Pyramidas
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1993 Figures King Lionheart
X-Men Uncanny Rogue with Magneto Foil Card
X-Men Secret Weapon Force Super Shooters Beast
X-Men Water Wars Sentinel Test Robot
X-Men Classics Light Up Weapon Gambit
X-Men Classics Light Up Weapon Juggernaut
Star Trek Warp Factor Seven of Nine
Star Trek Warp Factor Jadzia Dax
Star Trek Classic Movie Series General Chang
Star Trek Classic Movie Series Martia
Star Trek Classic Movie Series Commander Spock
Star Trek Classic Movie Series Admiral Kirk
Star Trek Transporter Series Ensign Pavel Chekov
Star Trek Transporter Series Lt Hikaru Sulu
Star Trek Classic Star Trek Lt Hikaru Sulu
Star Trek Classic Star Trek Lt Uhuru
Star Trek Classic Star Trek Dr. McCoy
Star Trek Classic Star Trek Ensign Chekov
Star Trek Classic Star Trek Mr. Scott
Disney Tarzan Sabor
Disney Tarzan Back Flippin’ Terk
Disney Tarzan Glidin’ Tarzan
GI Joe 1993 Pile Driver
GI Joe Hall of Fame Series Duke
Golden Girl Onyx
Golden Girl Golden Girl
Princess of Power Flutterina with Mini Comic
Princess of Power Sweet Bee
Princess of Power Catra with Mini Comic
Princess of Power Crystal Swift Wind
Princess of Power Storm
Princess of Power Arrow
Princess of Power Clawdeen
Transformers Beast Wars Transmetals Optimal Optimus
Super Powers Batmobile
Defenders of the Earth Phantom Copter
Added hundreds of new pictures in the guide
[There have been updates between, I just didn't note them]
Lots of edits and a slew of new things to add in the next week(s)
Huge new item update.
New for sale pages:
The Ultimate Soldier, Disney Action Figures, Marvel Super Heroes, Misc Action Figures, Smurfs, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
New arrivals for sale:
Star Trek The Next Generation Starship Enterprise NCC-1701-D
Star Trek The Next Generation Phaser
Star Trek The Next Generation Personal Communicator
Star Trek The Next Generation Galoob Action Figures Ferengi
Star Trek The Next Generation Galoob Action Figures Lieutenant Commander Data
Star Trek The Next Generation Galoob Action Figures Lieutenant Natasha Yar
Star Trek The Next Generation Galoob Action Figures Selay
Star Trek The Next Generation Galoob Action Figures Q
Star Trek The Next Generation Galoob Action Figures Captain Jean Luc Picard
Star Trek The Next Generation Galoob Action Figures Antican
Reboot Series 3 AndrAla
Reboot Series 3 Commander Dot
Lost in Space TV Series Tybo the Carrot Man
GI Joe Comic Packs Hard Master vs. Snake Eyes
X-Men Super Strength Colossus
X-Men Iceman with Freewheeling Ice Sled
Spider-Man ...Along Came a Spider Spider Carnage
Spider-Man Ultimate Sinister Six Green Goblin
Spider-Man Animated Series Venom
Spider-Man Animated Series Dr Octopus
Spider-Man Animated Series The Scorpion
Spider-Man Animated Series Carnage with Weapon Arms
Spider-Man Animated Series Hobgoblin
Spider-Man Animated Series Spider-Woman
Spider-Man Animated Series Total Armor Rhino
Mars Attacks! Martian Flying Saucer
Robotech Micronized Zentraedi Warrior
Thundercats Tuska Warrior
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Muradin Bronzebeard
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Thrall
Universal Studios Monsters Mini Monsters Creature from the Black Lagoon
GI Joe Gears
Tarzan Jungle Surfin’ Tarzan
Tarzan Fire Power Clayton
Tarzan Baboon Battle Action Pack
Tarzan Flippin’ Terk
Tarzan Savage Slash Sabor
Tarzan Power Pounce Tarzan
Tarzan Vine Jammin' Tarzan
Tarzan Chest Pounding Kerchak
Small Soldiers Power Drill Cycle with Scratchit
Small Soldiers Ocula from Buzzsaw Tank
Super Naturals Snakebite
Super Naturals Eagle Eye
Raiders of the Lost Ark German Mechanic
Raiders of the Lost Ark Indiana Jones in German Disguise
Super Powers Clark Kent
Star Wars Darth Vader Tie Fighter
Godzilla 3in. Atomic Blue Burning Regular
Godzilla 3in. Mechagodzilla
Transformers Movie Dark of the Moon Leader Class Action Figures Sentinel Prime
Transformers G1 Highbrow
MASK Rescue Mission Bruce Sato
Rambo 81mm Mortar
Rambo .50 Cal Machine Gun
Thundercats Lynx-O
Babylon 5 Ambassador Delenn with Minbari Flyer
Babylon 5 Ambassador G’Kar with Narn Fighter
Star Wars Micro Machines Tusken Raiders
Star Wars Micro Machines Jawas
Star Wars Micro Machines Ewoks
Star Wars Micro Machines Imperial Pilots
Star Wars Micro Machines Imperial Stormtroopers
Star Wars Micro Machines Imperial Officers
Star Wars Micro Machines Echo Base Troops
Star Wars Micro Machines Imperial Naval Troopers
Star Wars Micro Machines Slave I Millenium Falcon Death Star II
MicroVerse Batman Gotham City Playset
MicroVerse Superman Metropolis Playset
Smurfs Swimmer Smurf
Smurfs Sunbather Smurf
Smurfs Johan & Pee Wee Peewit
Smurfs Pirate Smurf
Smurfs Ice Skater Smurf
Smurfs Teacher Smurf
Smurfs Smurfette Soccer
Smurfs Umbrella Smurf
Smurfs Chief Smurf
Smurfs Regular Smurf
Smurfs Soccer Smurf
Smurfs Smurfette with Present
Smurfs Hamburger Smurf
Smurfs Captain Papa Smurf
Smurfs Scuba Diver Smurf
Smurfs Judo Smurf
Smurfs Sitting Smurf
Smurfs Land Hockey Smurf
Smurfs Thanksgiving Smurf Lot of 3 with Smurfette
Smurfs Super Smurf Bobsled
Smurfs Super Smurf Plane
Smurfs Smurf Playset Boat
Smurfs Super Smurf Volleyball
Smurfs Super Smurf Wind Surfer
Smurfs Super Smurf Basketball
Smurfs Super Smurf School Desk
Smurfs Super Smurf Rowboat
Smurfs Super Smurf Skier
Tick Talking Tick 16 inch
Marvel Super Heroes Captain America Costume
Waterworld The Trimaran
Waterworld Hydro Stinger Mariner
Waterworld Wave Runner
Waterworld Power Bow Mariner
The Ultimate Soldier German Paratrooper
The Ultimate Soldier German Infantry
Soldiers of the World Barricades
Soldiers of the World Tires & Wheels
Go-Bots Super Gobots Super Go-Bots Guardian Headquarters
Go-Bots Super Gobots Super Go-Bots Guardian Headquarters
The Ultimate Soldier Action Accessories
The Ultimate Soldier AK Weapons Set - Series 1
The Ultimate Soldier German Paratrooper
The Ultimate Soldier German WWII Infantry
The Ultimate Soldier German MG-34 Set
The Ultimate Soldier U. S. .30 Cal Machine Gun Set
The Ultimate Soldier U. S. Bazooka Set
The Ultimate Soldier Axis Weapons Set
The Ultimate Soldier German Infantry Eastern Front
The Ultimate Soldier 29th Infantry Div.
The Ultimate Soldier German WWII Weapon Set
The Ultimate Soldier Stinger Anti-Aircraft Weapon Set
The Ultimate Soldier U.S. Army Infantryman (Light)
The Ultimate Soldier U.S.M.C. M-60 Machine Gunner
The Ultimate Soldier 3rd Infantry Div.
The Ultimate Soldier Special Operations Weapons Set
The Ultimate Soldier British Paratrooper
The Ultimate Soldier U.S. Navy Seal
The Ultimate Soldier U.S.M.C. Rifleman
The Ultimate Soldier U.S. Army Radio Telephone Operations
The Ultimate Soldier U.S. Navy Seal (Recon)
The Ultimate Soldier Dragon Anti-Tank Weapon Set
The Ultimate Soldier AT4 Anti-Tank Weapon Set
The Ultimate Soldier British SAS (SCUD Hunter)
The Ultimate Soldier 1st Infantry U.S. Army
The Ultimate Soldier 101st Airborne Div.
The Ultimate Soldier U.S. Armor Crew Member
The Ultimate Soldier U.S. Army Platoon Leader
The Ultimate Soldier 2nd Ranger Battallion
The Ultimate Soldier Modern Foreign Weapons Set - Series III
The Ultimate Soldier U.S.M.C. Drill Sergeant
America’s Finest SWAT Sharpshooter
Small Soldiers Die-Cast Skate-A-Pult with Chip Hazard and Archer
Small Soldiers Die-Cast Buzzsaw Tank with Insaniac and Chip Hazard
Small Soldiers Die-Cast Razorblade Chopper with Brick Bazooka and Archer
Small Soldiers Die-Cast Power Drill Cycle with Punch-It
Small Soldiers Battle Head Quarters Archer
Small Soldiers Battle Head Quarters Punch-It
Small Soldiers Battle Head Quarters Chip Hazard
Thundercats Pull back Pen Cap Thundertank
Star Wars Micro Machines Action Fleet Vehicles Lars Family Homestead Landspeeder
Inhumanoids Granok Mutore
Planet of the Apes Peter Burke
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Krang’s Android Body
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Krang’s Android Body
Collector’s Club Exclusive Bag of Dragons
Spawn Classic Series 17 Spawn V
Dragonheart Hewe with Catapult
Dragonheart Felton with Battle Blade and Mace
Dragonheart Bowen with Spear Shooting War Wagon
Dragonheart Kara with Axe Chopping Action
Dragonheart Bowen with Battering Bola Tripod
Aliens Alien Queen Foreign Package
The Little Mermaid Ursula with Floatsam Jetsam
The Little Mermaid Eric and Scuttle
The Little Mermaid Triton and Seahorse
Flash Gordon Ming The Merciless
Flash Gordon Flash Gordon
Flash Gordon General Lynch
Flash Gordon Ming’s Jaws of Death Throne
Flash Gordon Flash Gordon Rebel Airbike
Star Trek The Next Generation Commander William Riker
Quake II Jungle Marine Athena
Quake II Alien Strogg Iron Maiden
Quake II Alien Strogg Tank
Star Wars POTF2 Red Luke X-Wing Long Saber
Star Wars POTF2 Red Princess Leia 2 Bands
Star Wars POTF2 Red Luke Dagobah Long Saber
Star Wars POTF2 Red Stormtrooper
Star Wars POTF2 Red Luke Ledi Brown Vest Outdented handle
Star Wars POTF2 Princess Leia Collection with Wicket
Star Wars POTF2 Green Jawas 2 pack
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles The Next Mutation Venus
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pizza Tossin Raph
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie III Splinter
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shogun Shredder with Card and Coin
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shogun Leo Silver Armor
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie Star Super Shredder with Card and Coin
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Warrior Chrome Dome with Coin
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Robotic Bebop with Card
Added a bunch of new items: Grimlock
Optimus Prime with Sparkplug Mini-Con
Cobra Ice Wolf
Cobra Adder
Cobra Stinger
Dreadnok Cycle
Cobra Water Moccasin
Sky Striker XP-14F
Operation Crimson Sabotage
Thunderwing F-22 Raptor
Pinpointer Targetmaster for Poinblank
Plush Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
Plush Slimer Hand Puppet
Tiger Storm
Cobra APC
Heavy Load
Unltra Magnus Spychanger
Super X-Brawn
Autobot Overhaul
Optimus Prime
Perceptor Mini Con Team
Kicker & High Wire
Hot Shot
Battle Ravage
Tankor & Obsidian
Air Defense Team
Air Assault Team
Sea Team
Street Speed Team
Air Military Team
Destruction Team
Emergency Team
Space Team
Night Attack Team
Race Team
Street Action Team
Wheeljack with Wind Sheer Mini Con
Sideswipe with Nightbeat Minicon
Thrust with Inferno Mini Con
Powerlinx Thrust with Powerlinx Inferno Mini Con
Cyclonus with Crumplezone Mini Con
Powerlinx Thrust with Powerlinx Crumplezone Mini Con
Blurr with Incinerator Mini Con
Demolishor with Blackout Mini Con
Powerlinx Demolishor with Powerlinx Blackout Mini Con
Hoist with Refute Mini Con
Smokescreen with Liftor Mini Con
Sideways with Rook & Crosswise Mini Cons
Red Alert with Longarm Mini Con
Filled in some missing pictures in the guide as well. Thanks!
Added numerous items to GI Joe Vehicles and G1 parts. Added two new pages in the for sale section: Newer TF and MOTU Series also added dozens of photo updates and additions in the guide. Thanks!
Many great new Real , Extreme, and Filmation's Ghostbusters for sale. Also a great selections of Vintage MOTU, 12" Vintage Star Wars, Go-Bots, and more added in the for sale pages.
More pictures also added in the guide section filling many missing slots and additional views of existing ones.
Added a few hundred new pictures to items in the guide.
Also have a large amount of Vintage MOTU figures, Go-Bots figures, Silverhawks and G1 being added to the For Sale sections. Thanks!
Added even more guide picture and a ton of new items in the for sale section
New items listed for sale and even more pictures added to the photo guides. Thanks!
Lots of new photo guide pictures added.
Numerous photo guide and for sale items added over the past week
Added some great new items to the For Sale section!
Movie and TV Figures
GI Joe Figures
GI Joe Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe Parts & Accessories
Power Rangers
Robots Monsters Space Toys
Video Game Figures
Battlestar Galactica
The Real Ghostbusters
Filmations Ghostbusters
Marvel Legends
Re-activated the For Sale Section!
Added more missing pictures and the Battle Beasts Section!
Added a proper contact page instead of the obsolete mail link.
Added Transformers 2007 Movie
Added some new gundams to the For Sale Section
Added tons more to the guide:
Mighty Morphin Playsets
Mighty Morphin Collectible Figures
Mighty Morphin 5.5” Evil Space Aliens
Mighty Morphin 5.5” Rangers
Mighty Morphin 8” Evil Space Aliens
Mighty Morphin 8” Rangers
Mighty Morphin Megazords
Mighty Morphin Role Play
Zeo 5.5” Evil Space Aliens
Zeo Vehicles
Zeo 5.5” Rangers
Zeo Megazords
Zeo Role Play
Turbo Role Play
Turbo Megazords
In Space Role Play
In Space Megazords
Lost Galaxy Role Play
Lost Galaxy Megazords
Lost Galaxy Vehicles
Lightspeed Rescue 5.5” Rangers
Lightspeed Rescue Megazords
Lightspeed Rescue Role Play
Lightspeed Rescue Vehicles
Time Force Megazords
Time Force Playsets
Time Force Role Play
Time Force Vehicles
Ninja Storm Megazords
Ninja Storm Role Play
Wild Force Action Figures
Wild Force Megazords
Wild Force Role Play
Dino Thunder Role Play
Added even more sections to the photo guide:
Jumbo Machine Garada K-7
John Travolta Superstar
Fantasy World
Flash Gordon Defenders of the Earth
V The Enemy Visitor
Video Game Superstars Marvel vs Capcom
Video Game Superstars X-Men vs Street Fighter
Crash Dummies
Earthworm Jim
Flintstones Kids
Robocop and the Ultra Police
Robocop The Series
Robotech Matchbox Figures
Robotech Matchbox Die-Cast
Robotech Revell & Robolinks
Robotech Exo Squad
Exo Squad
Added a huge number of new pages to the guide:
Transformers Masterpiece USA
Transformers RID Classics
Transformers Crossovers Star Wars
Silver Hawks
GI Joe A Real American Hero
GI Joe 1982 Figures
GI Joe 1982 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1983 Figures
GI Joe 1983 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1984 Figures
GI Joe 1984 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1985 Figures
GI Joe 1985 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1986 Figures
GI Joe 1986 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1987 Figures
GI Joe 1987 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1988 Figures
GI Joe 1988 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1989 Figures
GI Joe 1989 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1990 Figures
GI Joe 1990 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1991 Figures
GI Joe 1991 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1992 Figures
GI Joe 1992 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1993 Figures
GI Joe 1993 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1994 Figures
GI Joe 1994 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1997 Figures
GI Joe 1997 Vehicles & Playsets
GI Joe 1998 Figures
GI Joe 1998 Vehicles & Playsets
Also working on a glitch in the 'shop' search that makes it display blank pictures, sorry in the meantime, just ignore the blank ones.
Added over 400 new figures and 23 new sections to the guide:
Transformers Armada 2002
Transformers Armada 2003
Transformers Generation One G1 1992 UK
Transformers Generation One G1 1993 UK
Transformers Generation Two G2 1994 UK
Transformers Generation Two G2 1995 UK
Transformers Universe 2003
Transformers Universe 2004
Transformers Universe 2008
Transformers Alternators
Transformers Energon Command Class
Transformers Energon Deluxe Class
Transformers Energon Leader & Larger Class
Transformers Energon Mega Class
Transformers Energon Mini-Con Class
Transformers Energon Scout Class
Transformers Beast Wars 10th Anniversary
Mork & Mindy
Terminator 2
Swamp Thing
Street Fighter II
Street Fighter Movie Edition
Added a couple of hundred more figures to the guide and these new sections:
Transformers Beast Machines 2000
Transformers Beast Machines 2001
Transformers Beast Machines McDonalds
Transformers Robots in Disguise 2001
Transformers Robots in Disguise 2002
Transformers Robots in Disguise 2003
Indiana Jones Menu
Final Fantasy Menu
Final Fantasy The Spirits Within
Wrestling Superstars Titan Sports Series 1
Wrestling Superstars Titan Sports Series 2
Wrestling Superstars Titan Sports Series 3
Wrestling Superstars Titan Sports Series 4
Wrestling Superstars Titan Sports Series 5
Wrestling Superstars Titan Sports Series 6
Wrestling Superstars Titan Sports Other
Muhammad Ali The Champ
Wrestling Superstars Menu
I am excited to say I had a breakthrough with the code and now all of the various pictures are accessible in the lightbox [picture viewer] when clicked! Go have a look again, ...I am!
Implemented a great alteration: added a branch navigation link on the Photo Guide to easily get you from one page to another.
Improved many pictures, working on more sections.
Working on TF now -> GI Joe, Star Trek & Star Wars are posting after
Added to the guide:
Ghostbusters Filmation
Ghost Rider
Golden Girl
Galaxie Girl
Bugmen of Insecta
Black Hole
Battlestar Galactica
Bots Master
Buck Rogers
Butch and Sundance the Early Years
Bucky O Hare
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Charlies Angels
Raiders of the lost Ark
Added about 45 more items for sale.
Also activated search choice feature: Shop or Guide
Transformers Generation One G1 1991 UK
Transformers Generation Two G2 1993
Transformers Generation Two G2 1994
Transformers Generation Two G2 1995
Transformers Machine Wars
M Force Military Muscle
Metal Gear Solid Tactical Espionage
Men of Medal
MASK Regular Series
MASK Racing Series
MASK Split Seconds
MASK Adventure Packs
Magnum P.I.
Lost in Space TV Show
Lost in Space Movie
Lost in Space Die Cast
Lost in Space Misc
The Lone Ranger
Kronoform Robotic World
Knight Rider
The Karate Kid
Inspector Gadget
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons PVC Figures
Powerbots Action Figures
Over the Top Action Figures
Peace Phantom Robots Action Figures
Gorzak Action Figures
Power Lords Action Figures
Mortal Kombat Hasbro Action Figures
Mortal Kombat Trilogy Action Figures
Mortal Kombat Deception Action Figures
Masters of the Universe Series 1 1982 Action Figures
Masters of the Universe Series 2 1983 Action Figures
Masters of the Universe Series 3 1984 Action Figures
Masters of the Universe Series 4 1985 Action Figures
Masters of the Universe Series 5 1986 Action Figures
Masters of the Universe Series 6 1987 Action Figures
Masters of the Universe Mini Comics
Transferred a bunch more items over:
Total Justice Action Figure 5” DARKSEID
Transformers Cybertron Action Figure Brakedown
Transformers Generation One Action Figure Tentakil
Transformers Movies Robot Heroes Action Figure OPTIMUS PRIME & BLACKOUT
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories PROWL BLUESTREAK MISSILE
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories PROWL LAUNCHER RIGHT
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories PROWL LAUNCHER LEFT
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories JAZZ LAUNCHER
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories JAZZ MISSILE
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories JET BLACK LEFT FIST SINGLE TAB
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories OMEGA SUPREME INNER CHEST
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories INFERNO GRAPPLE GUN
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories WARPATH HEAD RARE VERSION
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories BLADES LEFT CANNON DEFENSOR
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories SEACON PLATFORM
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories RATCHET IRONHIDE GUN
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories TRACKS GUN
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories SHRAPNEL GUN
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories PERCEPTOR LAUNCHER
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories GROOVE LEFT REAR CANNON
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories BLADES LEFT REAR CANNON
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories BLOT BACKPACK
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories SEACONS POST
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories PIRANACON LEFT FOOT SEACONS
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories SOUNDWAVE MISSILE
Transformers Generation One G1 Parts Accessories HOOK GUN
Star Wars Power of the Jedi Action Figure 3.75” OBI WAN KENOBI COLD WEATHER GEAR
Star Wars Power of the Jedi Action Figure 3.75” DARTH MAUL Final Duel
Star Wars Misc Items Action Figure 4” Bend Ems 4 pack Emperor Luke R2-D2 Vader
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire Action Figure 3.75” PRINCE XIZOR
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire Action Figure 3.75” LUKE SKYWALKER IMPERIAL GUARD DISGUISE
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire Action Figure 3.75” LEIA IN BOUSHH DISGUISE
Star Wars Episode 1 Action Figure 3.75” Ody Mandrell With Pit Droid
Star Wars Episode 1 Action Figure 3.75” Gasgano with Pit Droid
Star Wars Episode 1 Action Figure 3.75” Senator Palpatine
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” 30th Anniversary Obi-Wan Kenobi 05 Grievous Battle
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” 023 Lushros Dofine 2006
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Return of Jedi Luke Skywalker Throne Room Duel
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Attack of the Clones Sneak Preview Clone Trooper
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Mace Windu Arena Confrontation
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Exploding Super Battle Droid
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Captain Typho Head of Security
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Saesee Tiin Jedi Master
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Anakin Skywalker Outland Peasant Disguise
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Saga Legends 2011 Death Star Trooper SL27
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” 027 Holographic Ki-Adi-Mundi Jedi
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Holographic LUKE SKYWALKER Jabba's Palace 2004
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” SUPREME CHANCELLOR PALPATINE
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Attack of the Clones Sneak Preview R3-T7
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” CHEWACCA Cloud City Capture
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Nikto Jedi Knight
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Orn Free Taa
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Mace Windu Geonosian Rescue
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” The Phantom Menace 2002 Qui-Gon Jinn Jedi Master
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” Return of the Jedi 2002 HAN SOLO ENDOR RAID
Star Wars Saga Collection Action Figure 3.75” ROJ Endor Rebel Soldier
Star Trek Next Generation Galoob Action Figure 3.75” Ferengi
Star Trek Next Generation Galoob Action Figure 3.75” Q
Star Trek Next Generation Galoob Action Figure 3.75” Selay
Star Trek Next Generation Galoob Action Figure 3.75” Antican
Added a lot more items to the Dragon Ball Z and Gundam sections. More coming. Currently in the Transformers section I have G1 and Cybertron. I will have a lot more soon. The other big additions: GI Joe, Power Rangers, Masters of the Universe, Star Wars will be in the coming weeks. It takes a lot of time to reformat the information. Enjoy!
Finally activated the new layout!
Many more additions coming.
The store is quite lean but I will be copying it over shortly.
More and more photo guide sections will be posted !
Have a look around and enjoy!
updated yet again on: 03/04/2024